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What is Beach Ball of Death?

The rainbow-colored beach ball/pinwheel that pops up whenever you force-close an app or your mac is slow.

Guy1: I got the spinning beach ball of death again
Guy2: So? Who cares?

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Beach Ball of Death - video


Beach Ball of Death - what is it?

The Apple equivalent of the blue screen of death (Windows). The cursor changes from an arrow into the aforementioned symbol

It's appearance signals the imminent freezing of one or more programs. Typically thwarted by force-quitting the program, or in more severe cases, shutting down the computer.

Crap, there was too much to load on that girl's MySpace; I got the spinning beach ball of death.

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What does "Beach Ball of Death" mean?

The funny icon you see spin when your Mac is freezing up. Not so cute when you have to do a hard reset

Shawn was looking at way too much porn and his Macbook started with the beach ball of death

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