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What is Barrel Cholla?

Barrel Cholla is a noob nickname for a Shiny Cacturne originating from a game called Pokemon Legends.

Jakib: Yo wanna see my Barrel Cholla
Messiah: Flex it (:<
Jakib: *shows shiny cacturne*

👍35 👎11

Barrel Cholla - video


Barrel Cholla - what is it?

A pokemon that originated from a common nab asking about rare pokemon and another nab naming every pokemon in that area but cacnea, but one cacnea specifically a shiny one didnt like this disrespect of being left out and grinded to earn his kind some respect, this cacneas name was Barrel Cholla and once he had trained and evolved into cacturne he would be known as Barrel Cholla the deadliest cactus as he would then strike fear into all pokemon but the desert one whom he treated with respect because he grew up with them and he's a real nigga, eventually Barrel Cholla would become too strong to be known as a pokemon and became a god himself and would later strike fear into even the other gods thus is the legend on Barrel Cholla. People do not understand the true power of Cholla today, they always promote pokemon like caterpie and zacian but always look past cholla not recogizing Cholla's achievments.

Barrel Cholla is teaching all of these trash Pokémon how to fight.

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