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What is Baroque music?

Music in the baroque period (1600-1750 AD) that flourished European art throughout. Composers like J.S. Bach, Vivaldi, or Handel composed baroque music. This era was also when the tuning was A= 415 Hz. Famous works include: Bachโ€™s Brandenburg Concertos, Hallelujah from Handelโ€™s Messiah, and the Four Seasons by Vivaldi.

I listen to Baroque Music from Bach to help me sleep.

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Baroque music - video


Baroque music - what is it?

1. The best period of music

1. All others are shit
2. All others are shit
3. All others are shit
4. You will die alone of you listen to anything from the romantic or moder era
5. Only listen to Baroque music, or our lord and savior J.S. Bach will stab your genitalia with an Oboe reed.

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