Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Barbus?

A family name. Example: Josh Barbus

Name: Josh Barbus

👍25 👎11

Barbus - meme gif

Barbus meme gif

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Barbus - what is it?

When someone sends nudes to a person who is a minimum of 2 years younger than them

Ha that guy pulled a Justin Barbu on that 1st year

👍45 👎15

What does "Barbus" mean?

barbu is a gay dude whose life is built on sucking dick

barbu, vino sa ti-l dau pe bălos

👍29 👎15

Barbus - what does it mean?

A gay dude whoose mother is constantly fucked by his classmates

Barbu, fami programare la mata in seara asta.

👍41 👎41

Barbus - meaning

Gay with small penis.

Oh man, what's that...? It's a barbu!

👍127 👎105