Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Baras?

"Bara" or "Banra" is the bengali word for penis. Offently obscene. Used as "Dick" is used in English or "ΰ€²ΰ€‚ΰ€‘"-lund in Hindi.

"Dhur Bara"

"Amar Bara ta mukhe ne" - suck my dick

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Baras - meme gif

Baras meme gif

Baras - video


Baras - what is it?

This is short for Baruska. Bara is the greatest and most beautiful friend I and anyone else can ever have. She is funny, talented and always denies that she is beautiful when it is clear for everyone else to see. We all love her ❀

Bara, can we link on Saturday next week....

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What does "Baras" mean?

a very huge hot man with a huge pair of man boobs on him.
typically a daddy or gym rat. and also gay and or bi or pan or don't use labels.
but most of all a key point in a bara is the cock size.
it ranges from 9 inches to 14 inches or more

Hey, did you see Jake's dad? he's a real Bara. even has a bigger rack than my girlfriend.

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Baras - what does it mean?

Words used to describe how Indians from Asia speak or Indians in general.

Me: Oh no look here's another BARA! BARA! salesman coming towards our door.

Friend: Quick get naked!

Indian salesman: Hello my name is Abu. Would you like to try one of our BARA BARA cookie munchie bars.

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Baras - meaning

Describes a person (usually male) with a large, somewhat muscular, and fairly hairy body type.

Similar to a bear of gay culture, but not necessarily gay.

The new design for Ganondorf in Hyrule Warriors is sooooo bara.

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Baras - definition

A short version for Barbara(name) in the czech republic.

A: So what’s your name?
B: I’m Barbara but I prefer being called BΓ‘ra

C: What’s your name?
D: It’s BΓ‘ra
C: Is your real name BΓ‘ra or is it short for Barbara?
D: it’s actually only BΓ‘ra

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Baras - slang

The tiddy of a thicc boi

He has bara tiddies, I bet he'd look good in a sweater

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Any type of drawn pornography which exhibits very masculine-looking and usually muscular men (often hairy) in homoerotic situations. Popular artists include Takeshi Matsu and Gengoroh Tagame who often portrays "bara"-type men being tortured and physically abused, at times even including scenes that include rape. Basically, he mostly does BDSM bara.

Bara caters to those whose musculature preferences are at the much more brawny end of the spectrum, typically beyond a simple "toned" type.

The men in Bara, are what one would might likely refer to as a "bear" - but no hair necessary. Bara art/manga might also include men that are simply obese.

Storylines in bara manga often start out completely innocent, not hinting at overtly sexual themes or even sexual overtones, but following this they gradually escalate into more sexual situations.

Most fans and artists of Bara seem to be young gay men.

One board that exclusively hosts bara sharing activity is the /bara/ board at the Anonib website, which is currently relatively low in activity. It was formerly quite active, but when the site became closed for a fairly long period of time, baralovers found their homes elsewhere.

Man, Tagame's bara manga is so gruesome!

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"Bara" is short for "Barazoku", an influential Japanese gay magazine which shut down publication in late 2004. 2chan came up with the abbreviated name for their "gay art" imageboard (which has since been discontinued).

Western, gay male anime and manga fans then appropriated the word to contrast with yaoi. Both are homoerotic anime-style art; the difference is while yaoi is gay-male art produced by women for the consumption of women, bara is created by men, for men. Consequently, bara-style art tends toward more exaggerated, overtly masculine physiques and stereotypically masculine behavior.

Bara in this context has nothing to do with "rose", which is what the word means in Japanese.

Break me off a piece of that hawt Asuma bara action.

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Baras is almost like a teabag. What you simply do to perform a baras is to put your scrotum in a partners (victims) mouth and slap your partner on her/his face with your penis.

Dude: I totally barased my girlfriend while she was asleep! She almost came on to me when she discovered that she had hairballs in her mouth!
Dude's friend: Cool.

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