Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bantlers?

Butt antlers (abbreviated as "Bantlers"). Antler- or wing-shaped tattoo on the lower back or upper butt of a person.

She got a new tattoo that looks like antlers on her back and upper butt. So she got Butt Antlers or "Bantlers" now

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Bantlers - video


Bantlers - what is it?

The absolute undisputed king of the banter. Banter of the third reich.

Mate, that guy was an absolute Adolf Bantler.
- The Archbishop of Banterbury

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What does "Bantlers" mean?

The tools which with a 'Bantersaurus Rex' or even the 'Archbishop of Banterbury' may perform a devastatingly fierce bout of banter.

John: I'm telling you mate, he got absolutely rinsed.
Ahmed: By Who?
John: The Archbishop Of Banterbury of course.
Ahmed: The Bantersaurus himself, eh?
John: Yeah, we were all in stitches, he just got out his bantlers and POW, we pissed ourselves, it was a right old bit of bantertrocious banter.

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