Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Bam bam?

A person who always break things where you work.

She's such a Bam Bam, she broken the copier and coffee pot all in one day.

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Bam bam - video


Bam bam - what is it?

Another word for a fat blunt to smoke weed. Originated from the classic flinstones cartoon, Bam Bam Carried a big piece of wood that resembles a FAT blunt

yeo last night we smoked a BAM-BAM and got mad booooted

"Yeo this blunt is a BAM-BAM"

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What does "Bam bam" mean?

Nickname given to a fortunate individual by a group of friends, Used only to describe unique personality traits. In turn using an onomatopoeia to title someone worthy of it. Rad person with an urdge to rave til they drop.

WOW Bam Bam! Your personality slaps me in the face like BAM BAM!

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Bam bam - what does it mean?

Bam Bam is when you mix cocaine and gun powder and snort it.

I just slammed some Bam Bam.

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Bam bam - meaning

A sexual move where a girl smashes her boyfriend’s penis repeatedly with a metal baseball bat, then he takes his swollen manjunk and smacks her ass repeatedly to satisfy her and turn her on, then the two clap back at each other and holler like yard apes.

Due to his penis being shattered into pieces, Chris will never go out with Sarah again after she did the ol’ classic Bam-bam on him.

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Bam bam - definition

Originated by Edwin Burgos means to have sex

Edwin:Me and Kylie Finna bam bam bam

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Bam bam - slang

The Bam Bam Bam first originated when one of my friends forgot that you cut poo up in a clean snip and did it to aggresively, therfore making the noice Bam Bam Bam as he attacked his poo in an animal like fashion . Bam Bam Bam is now used in the context when something is good, someone just made a dick of themselves, or the most common one, when you want to give someone a quick spider-monkey!!

Me : Dude did you just see that babe over there?
Sean : No, was she hot?
Me : Hell yeah dude, i would give her a quick spider-monkey, Bam Bam Bam!!

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Bam bam

Simply a sound a person makes when excited about something, Bahamians very frequently use this terminology when at concerts, or talkin amongst friends.. Most cases, if nothing is near by for that person to "BAM" on they then make this sound lol Bahamians.. I know right..

First person:"BEY DAS OUR TUNE BEY!!!"
Second person " oyeah BAM BAM BAM...

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Bam bam

This expression/saying originated in the Bahamas. It is another jungaless term used to show excitement and agreeance over a particular thing or event. It can be said while simultaneously hitting the wall or any solid surface nearby. Apparently, it's the successor of "Oh Yeah, Oh yeah, Oh yeah!" Seems like saying things three times is becoming a trend.

1. Keisha: Girl, I jus been to Fashion Trap #4 to get my outfit for Cocktails dis Saturday!

Princess: Girl i jus get mine too! I been on Wulff Road by Baby's tho! Da club ain ga be ready fa us! Both girls at the same time: Bam Bam Bam!!!

2. Girl #1: I want some chinese food!

Girl#2: Chile, canton house! BAM........BAM.......BAM!!!

3. Scenario: Party or Night at the Club. DJ plays "I'm So Special"

Everybody in the club: "BAM BAM BAM!!!"

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Bam bam

Bam bam bam is a very beautiful sentence , said by Mammott , from MSM
Bam bam bam is said with a slight rhythm and with groove!
It's also the only thing the Mammott species can say (on plant island)

"Bro , my dog just died..."
"Bam bam bam."

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