Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ball Gazer?

A Kreygasm in your balls

Guy 1: You seen Rebecca recently?

Guy 2: Yeah, she had me ball gazering!

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Ball Gazer - video


Ball Gazer - what is it?

- one with the undeniable urge to look at others ball sacks ......

i turned and then noticed you where a ball gazer

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What does "Ball Gazer" mean?

when someone is tricked or wants to look at someone's balls

guy 1: look at my finger

guy 2:ok

guy 1 puts his finger near his crotch.


guy 2 : damn!

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Ball Gazer - what does it mean?

During conversation an individual looks at a male’s crotch. They are normally found in male showers.

After the game in the shower Ted approaches Dave...

Ted: Hey, Dave you played a great game!
Dave: Uhh...Thanks...Are you looking at my balls?
Ted: Yes
Dave: Fuckin Ball gazer

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Ball Gazer - meaning

One who stares at balls for personal satisfaction.

Person1: "Hey look at this fork by my crotch"
Person2 looks.
Person1: "HAHA You ball gazer"

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Ball Gazer - definition

To trick someone by having them look at your hands, then moving them to your crotch and forming the letters "b" and "g" with your fingers. With the victim still looking at your hands, immediately call them a "ball gazer".

Dave: Hey Mark, how many power supplies does this customer need?

Mark: I don't know. I'll have to check. What are you doing with your...


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Ball Gazer - slang

When you make the shape of balls in your crotch area, and when you capture the person staring down there, you scream "BALL GAZER!!"

(from the Love Guru)

Chelsea: *looks down there*
Demetris: BALL GAZER.

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