Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Baksetball?

a sport with a ball that you dribble and dunk on peop;le with like micheal joradn

bro im baksetball pro like magic johnston

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Baksetball - what is it?

Baksetball is a pronunciation of the word "basketball" by most African Americans. It is merely "Basketball" with the "S" and the "K" reversed. Akin to "Aks" (Ask), where the "S" is also reversed with the "K".

1. "They’re playing baksetball...We love that baksetball...

Now baksetball is my favorite sport
I like the way they dribble up and down the court" - Lil' Bow Wow in "Basketball"

2. "Aight nigga, now let's play some baksetball"

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