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What is BaekYeol?

BaekYeol is an EXO pairing that fans like to ship because we think that they love each other. I, myself, am a BaekYeol fan and I absolutely believe with all me heart that they are real. There are pictures and gifs of them everywhere and it's just so adorable. Fighting!

Baekhyun: Chanyeol!
Chanyeol: Yeah?
Baekhyun pouts: I'm bored.
Chanyeol smirks: I think I know something that will make you happy. (Moves toward Baekhyun and tackles him to the ground. There, they have imtercourse thus making BaekYeol)

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BaekYeol - meme gif

BaekYeol meme gif

BaekYeol - video
