Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Backing up?

adj. strong or musculer

I am a backed uped to the fullest

👍79 👎221

Backing up - video


Backing up - what is it?

Strong and muscular.

That teacher, he be backed-up.

👍59 👎121

What does "Backing up" mean?

A phrase used when a small to medium sized girl with blonde hair and a heart shaped booty " pops locks and drops it" infront of you in a very flirtacious manor by "dipping it low" and pushing her ass into you on the way up, in hopes of getting your attention.

Guy 1: " Dude i was just here minding my own buisness and suddenly she came out of no where and tried to "back up on it" against my leg!

Guy 2: " All she wanted was for you to say something about her ass, she feeds on attention."

Guy 1: "Well i tried yelling "Back off Bitch", but it didn't seem to work, i will just be ready for next time."

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Backing up - what does it mean?

More comfortable way to say tampons or maxi pads in public.

"Hey, can you check aisle 2 for tampons back up for me?"

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Backing up - meaning

To carry on drinking alcohol after vomiting due to excessive boozing

Barry did a great job of backing up after his last vomit

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Backing up - definition

Unable to leave loaf

I ate a whole block of cheese and now I'm all backed up.

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Backing up - slang

An unusually large amount of semen stored in a man's body due to lack of ejaculation

I haven't jacked off in weeks. I'm backed up.

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Backing up

A dancefloor technique to attract the attention of a partner. Essentially this involes backing your bootie towards your partner and getting close, often thrusting. This technique will initiate a grind type of dancing.

She's backing-up to you dog! Get in

Let's get on the dancefloor dog. We can back-up on those hotties over there

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Backing up

When you drive your car in reverse, you back up.

That moron scratched his car when he backed it up.
You should use both side and rear mirrors when you back up your car.

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Backing up

There are 2 common meanings:

1/Used in military or police force: Reinforcements, support, help.

2/Computer using: create your secured data in case the computer goes down suddenly, mainly to prevent data loss.

1/Police officer shouts via radio: "Shot fired, shot fired. Officer down. Unit 26 to base, we got a situation here. We need back up immediately!" - "Roger, just hold on. Back up are on the way."

2/Before installing Smart Windows Care, we strongly recommend you to back up you data first to prevent yourself from losing important data.

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