Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Back Up Bitch?

A bitch to bring as back up to an event such as a concert, party, etc... basically any social event, as insurance for getting laid incase the social event isn't providing bitches that are bangable.

Awesome guy one: "dude! let's go see def leppard and hit on some milfs!"

Awesome guy two: "i'm down but we better bring some back up bitches incase they all turn out to be cracked out moms."

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Back Up Bitch - video


Back Up Bitch - what is it?

Person you invite to go somewhere when your preferred person cannot go. Can be male or female (non-gender specific).

"You can't make it? I better call my back-up bitch!"

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What does "Back Up Bitch" mean?

The next person in line that you ask to do something with after your preferred person isn't able to.

guy 1: "My girlfriend can't make it for lunch with me you want to go?"
guy 2: "What, am I your back-up bitch?"

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Back Up Bitch - what does it mean?

BUB for short. It is what you call the girl that you are dating or messing around with that isn't your first choice or your second girlfriend
When Speaking in front of your BUB. Use the word bubby so that she feels it is a term of endearment.

Rick: So How are you and Patty?
Jon: Well you know she is my back Up Bitch (BUB). Waiting for Jen to be single

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