Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Babytron?

best jazz airtist ever

Person 1- yo my mate tryna to use are ears to listen to babe tronny he is so good

Person 1- yes my freind im tryna use are ears to babe tronny

George I l - yall useing youre ears to listen to this great jazz airtist babe tronny

babytron - my best lyric "i'll bring the holocaust to a jew"

👍35 👎33

Babytron - meme gif

Babytron meme gif

Babytron - video


Babytron - what is it?

add me if you like babytron : Jair#4775


Babytron? he da best!

👍59 👎19

What does "Babytron" mean?

The greatest lyric rapper ever. Listening to " The Punch God " himself is simply the greatest lyrical performance of any rapper, song, album of all time. We are lucky to be alive at the same time.

Guy 1: "Yo you heard MegaTron?"
Guy 2: "Yeah by BabyTron? The G.O.A.T.?"
Guy 1: "Yeah that shit fye"

👍73 👎15

Babytron - what does it mean?

The greatest lyric rapper ever. Listening to " The Punch God " himself is simply the greatest lyrical performance of any rapper, song, album of all time. We are lucky to be alive at the same time.

Guy 1: "Yo you heard MegaTron?"
Guy 2: "Yeah by BabyTron? The G.O.A.T.?"
Guy 1: "Yeah that shit fye"

👍187 👎15

Babytron - meaning

Known Detroit biracial rappin youngster with exceptional lyrical skills. He is part of a trio called the Shitty Boyz. His style is fast offbeat delivering punchlines in every rhyme. Drops em in dime time.

Did you hear Babytron's song Sensei? Masterpiece.

👍145 👎17