Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BLENDER?

Rendering a picture in your pc with blender, therefore pushing your computer to the absolute max.

Person 1: Hey why is your computer so loud?
Person 2: I'm just blendering, no big deal

Person 1: Dude that's dangerous for the cpu
Person 2: How?

Person 1: The computer sounds like it's gonna explode!

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BLENDER - meme gif

BLENDER meme gif

BLENDER - video


BLENDER - what is it?

To be blendered is to be simply: denied; saladed;ended; or just plain invisible - originated from Halo gameplay.

Once blendered you can do anything you want on Halo 3. However, if in a bad situation, blenders can also mean heavy salad, which in fact, is quite an undesirable situation. See heavy salad.

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What does "BLENDER" mean?


The Blender is the most amazing group of people known to mankind. Each person in the group must go through initiation, pick a fruit, and go through extensive Blender training. Participating in Blender meetings and memorizing the many rules of the blender is mandatory. The Blender strives to make this world a better place, one fruit at a time. It will change you're life.

Dan: "Whoa! Those people look like the most *amaaazziiinng*, intelligent, hilarious people I've ever seen. They couldn't possibly be from this planet"

Brandon: "Yup, that's App and Naner from The Blender. I wish I could be in the Blender"

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BLENDER - what does it mean?

when a person is totally high and or drunk and they feel like they are spinning.

A: I'm spinning. I feel like a blender.
B: Dude he is totallllyyyyy blendered.

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BLENDER - meaning

The blender is a message board on the Internet where people post various kinds of pictures, fanfics and comics. Either stupid threads are made or genius threads are created.

Also Isalidi Crest, a certain member in The Blender is made of fail, ebola, AIDs and diarrhea

The Blender, serious business.

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BLENDER - definition

When the current life situation in which you find yourself involved in is stressful, worry-inducing, and overall burdensome, causing one to feel extreme anxiety. Finding one's self "in the bender" can take form in many ways, including romantic relationships, in the workplace, or overall life troubles.

Guy 1: "Yo, you good bro? Why you looking like you gotta doo doo dawg?"

Guy 2: "Mannnnn... my girl found out about my other hoes, now she tripping. I'm in the blender."

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BLENDER - slang

A person who just blends in, or doesn't stand out.

"Was Laura at the party?"
"I don't remember, she's kind of a blender..."

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A blender is a black man that is also a bender!

This black man on the dancefloor is checking me out and I am a hetrosexual man! This man is a blender!

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a finguring motion with a flicking of fingures and a twisting wrist motion while motion your arm up and down

kyle pulled out the blender on a willing lady.

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1. (verb) to mix things up with the use of a blender.

my friend thought she was smarter than me, but i couldn't hear her over the sound of my roommate blendering his post-workout smoothie

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