Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BLEAM?

To destroy something in an oven or autoclave.

I bleamed that chicken. Maybe I shouldn't have set it to broil and took a shower.

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BLEAM - meme gif

BLEAM meme gif

BLEAM - video


BLEAM - what is it?

Really Huge or Big

That girl has some bleaming titties.
Bro dom0__ got a bleaming dick.

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What does "BLEAM" mean?

To blissfully dream, essentially Blissful and Dreaming put together, Bleaming!

β€œTime goes by pretty fast when I’m bleaming.”

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BLEAM - what does it mean?

the state of tripping one's sneakers off on any powerfully colorful hallucinogen

"Bleam me up, Scotty!" or "I am bleaming my freakin' brains out!"

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