Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BHEEM?

A really bad Indian animation cartoon.

Chota bheem.

👍41 👎45

BHEEM - meme gif

BHEEM meme gif

BHEEM - video


BHEEM - what is it?

chutiyapa...had chutiyapa

nitin aasery

👍39 👎27

What does "BHEEM" mean?

Heartthrob of NITT

Bheem ka naya bomb!

👍37 👎19

BHEEM - what does it mean?

Ask NITTians (2002-2006 or 2003-2007)batch.

Sale bheemiyapa kyon fod raha hai?

👍39 👎17

BHEEM - meaning

It is quality found in aperson which enables him to believe anything which is told to him irrespective of what is the quality of gossip. You can actually term it as an inefficiency to come to terms with the fooling capacity of tyhe junta.

The one and ONLY....
BHEEM who else.

👍61 👎33