Definder - what does the word mean?

What is BABY BACK?

Someone who is way too grown to be crying/whining over petty shit. Could also be someone who looks strong, but is scared/can't fight. A person with no backbone, and who complains and or shows weak traits when confronted with real life shit.

"He ran, legitimately scared, from a woman who weighed 100lbs." "He ain't nothin but a "baby-back bitch if you ask me."

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BABY BACK - video


BABY BACK - what is it?

Someone who is whining acting like a bitch or that is annoying you. a person that needs to suck it up and stop crying about stupid things.

John is a baby back bitch for not rematching justin

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What does "BABY BACK" mean?

A term used to describe a weak and useless piece of shit that should not be seen in public.

He's such a Baby Back Bitch, why'd he come to school today?

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BABY BACK - what does it mean?

Anyone who does not have the balls to do something, or someone who is extremely annoying.

"You Baby Backed Bitch!"

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BABY BACK - meaning

A Phrase used When something isn't Right or Has Gone wrong

Best Used With "Thats Some"

Kev:"Damn Dev!" Your Girlfriend Cheated on you!?
Dev:Yea she Did. Whore...
Kev:"Thats Some Baby Back BullShit!"

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BABY BACK - definition

Someone who whines, cries and just generally makes excuses for everything.

stevensundin92 can't hack it in R6 Siege. What a baby back bitch!

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BABY BACK - slang

Term used to describe facial leading from the corner of the mouth down to the chin and split down the middle. "Elvis had Pork-chops" -these are on the chin only.

Freshly shaved up some Baby-backs...

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The act of whining, complaining, and/or otherwise compromising the sanity of others with one's unnecessary blubbering; similar to bitching except that a person who does this is usually just bitching for no reason.
Baby back bitches usually partake in this annoyance.

Even though raquel maintains he is not a baby back bitch, he starts baby-backing everytime he's around his mommy.

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Nonsense, craziness, illogical. A lie.

A nicer way to say 'bullshit;' or sometimes paired with 'bullshit' for dramatic effect.

"Neeka said if I wanted some ass tonight, I had to take her to a nice dinner first!"

"What? That's straight baby-back! I hope you didn't spend a dime on that!"

"I feel you, man. But I took her to Wendy's and tricked half my paycheck on two combos. Then when we got back to my spot, she told me she was on the rag!"

"Are you shittin' me??? That's some ol' baby-back bullshit! I wudda did her in the ass."

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someone who is a whiner.
a friend who doesn't want to do something because he's scared.
a pussy.

You're a baby back bitch.

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