Definder - what does the word mean?

What is B-lo?

A half man half chicken, with legs like drumsticks. Often leads with belly button and has chode legs.

Jarred; Yo is that a Mr. B Lo-gan man?
Mitch: Well he looks like a fucking chicken

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B-lo - meme gif

B-lo meme gif

B-lo - video


B-lo - what is it?

the act of oral gratification on a mans penis

it's not above's B-Lo me

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What does "B-lo" mean?

another slang word for blunt.

Yo nigga pass me that b lo!

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B-lo - what does it mean?

Derrived from Ben Lomond... aka west B-Lo

Lets hit up B-Lo for a smoke 'sess'(derrived from session)

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B-lo - meaning

nickname for Buffalo, NY. Used by ghetto people from Buffalo, and suburban white kids making fun of those people.

"That hoe's from B-Lo."

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B-lo - definition

city of Buffalo; where Buffalo kids say they come from

Frank (from Illinois): So Nick, what part of New York do you come from, dog?
Nick: B-Lo, and I'm not your dog...
Frank: ...Ok.

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B-lo - slang

slang, short-term for Buffalo, NY

I used to live in New York City, but now I have an apartment in B-Lo.

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how natives and residents of Buffalo, New York refer to the area

Everyone's coming back to the B-Lo after spending spring break in Florida.

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The copyrighted name B-Lo refers to the city of Buffalo and is used by SellMOST Industries founder and western New York rap artist B-Lo.

We crossed the border at Niagara Falls in order to catch B-Lo live onstage in B-Lo.

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literal: below, underneath
slang: batty, arse, ass, bum

hey batty rider get ya B-lo off me hot rod

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