Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Azmy?

A paramedic lecturer.

He is an ulul azmi.

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Azmy - meme gif

Azmy meme gif

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Azmy - what is it?

Strong , Determined, Purposeful and resolute in which makes up the meaning Warrior. This is someone who is insanely strong when it comes to physical strength. He is not one to be messed with. Despite his terrifying ego his quiet a soft person at heart and very kind.Knows how to make a person laugh sometimes. Also quite handsome by appearances.He is someone who does not give up on things very easily.Always try’s to put in maximum effort where it is convenient. Very talented when it comes to Art. Attracts lots of peoples attention at times. Actually very shy when it comes to women. Very wise sometimes when needed. Very caring for others even though they do not care for him. If you manage to win his heart then you are the luckiest person to have ever exist. He’s someone who will do anything to be with you if you managed to win has heart. Azmi is someone who does not like to be judged also does not like false rumors being spread about him. When it comes to being a friend he will always put his friends first when it comes to time of need. Azmi is someone who looks at your appearance, personality, cooking skills ,age and social skills when it comes to getting his interest in you or trying to win his heart. If you are great at all these aspects then there’s a high chance you can win his heart.

Defined as great at most aspects. Your just like Azmi Vallie .defined

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What does "Azmy" mean?

He's an attractive boy.He is clever but because of certain problem,he choose to not being on the way he are able to be.He has soft joke that will attract girl who has a high sense of humor.He used to like the girl who admire him but when he lost interest to her,he left without any word.The girl ghosting to get his attention but he choose to ignore her.He just not into her but he can't tell.

She confessed when Azmi Hafiz ask her about her feeling but then he left her.

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Azmy - what does it mean?

Khairul Azmi (Magic Smile), is a name for a masculine man in Arabic sentence which means 'best wishes'.

Someone who has this name, generally has the character of a leader, firm, authoritative, charismatic, has a very sexy smile, humble, sincere, kind, pure heart, helper, warrior.

His shortcomings, he is a sensitive person, easily angry, easy to please, easy to laugh, easy to sad, easy to believe in others, careless, not careful.

β€’ Public Figure who has this name:
One of the Indonesian Public Figures, an actor, His name is Khairul Azmi, but he is known by the name Juan Azmi.

A: how to get girls easily?
B: Put Khairul Azmi in your smile.

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Azmy - meaning

A person who can not get off a bitch’s cock who cheated twice on him and becomes the streets for an highway worthy individual.

β€œ His the biggest Raph Azmy, he still loves her after she cheated twice.”

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Azmy - definition

ugly ass Mexican bitch

That Azmi disgust me

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Azmy - slang


1st) A definition of a tough guy who is street smart cool, calm, collected, sexy and suave.
A real ladies's man

2nd) Fun, awesome, sporting, full of energy

Look at that guy, he's so AZMY. Wish im as AZMY as he is.

I went to a party, and really had an AZMY time there

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a stupid nigga whos dumb

azmied's so stupid i bet he plays fortnite

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a very cute and good-looking man. has a perfect smile that can win anybody’s heart over. bubbly personality that no one can get tired of. has a great sense of humor and excellent music taste.

β€œoh my god, he’s such an azmie!”
β€œwow he’s so blessed to be azmie.”

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A term used to disgrace and degrade extremely gay men. Especially in communities where being gay is forbidden

You Azmy
You are becoming an Azmy

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