Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Assy?

Someone who is bitchy and complains about evey single thing and is always micromanaging everything and has a complete zero tolerance.

I was trying to talk to some assie, and they just kept complaining about me more and more.

👍67 👎23

Assy - meme gif

Assy meme gif

Assy - video


Assy - what is it?

having an ass-like or crappy quality; lameness

How about you're 19, stop being assy and sleep by yourself.

Are you kidding me? They're going to start counting pluses on a 4 point grading scale? That is super assy.

Wow, Alexander was an assy movie.

Fred Phelps is the assiest person that I've ever heard of.

👍141 👎63

What does "Assy" mean?

complete piece of equipment, machinery etc. with all parts included

carburator assy

👍221 👎97

Assy - what does it mean?

1. ass-like, smelly
2. sick, ill
3. terrible

1. What is that assy aroma?
2. I was feeling assy, so I went home sick.
3. My car broke down, my girlfriend dumped me, and my rental car wouldn't start. Overall it's been an assy day.

👍315 👎129

Assy - meaning

Of or possessing the qualities of being assy.

See also: assy

"Your post in this thread has been deleted for reasons of extreme assiness"

👍49 👎15

Assy - definition

Hasj or Hash for slang in holland

A: Ewa mattie heb je nog assie?
b: Jah man ik heb.

👍149 👎43

Assy - slang

BAD MF BITCH! cute as hell and could pick up any guy she wants too

This assi is perfect !

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The art of being an ass

person one:He's being so so jerky
person 2: And Assy

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An insult meaning big assed, or to have the mental characteristics of being an asshole
such as sassy would mean "having much sass", assy is literally translated to "having much ass"
This can also literally translate to "asshole", in the most common cases

When you get up in my grill, you make me very assy.

Don't act so assy just because things didn't go your way.

👍33 👎23


Slang term for a person who has big buttocks

Fat,black women with big butts are assy.

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