Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Areyon?

Mostly know as WEAK ASS BITCH or Gay ASS NIGGA this creature can be found at the bottom of the food chain and can look similar to humans you can tell you found him if the creature shows high levels of homosexuality, pussiness, being feeble minded, and built like a testicle. It’s natural habitat is a dumpster and can mostly be found getting punked

Even if Marc did move to Indiana it’s temporary and a bitch ass nigga like Areyon would never be able to whoop him he’s a pussy punk bitch

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Areyon - video


Areyon - what is it?

Slang for a Greek maid in the United Kingdom. The origin of the name is questionable, but many believe it is a "Scrabble bag name," meaning the namers constructed the name out of random letters pulled from a Scrabble bag.

I told the areyon to dust the ficus in the back room.

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