Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Anticlockwise?

means counter clockwise in "British English"

If your hair goes anticlockwise then you are gay.

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Anticlockwise - what is it?

1. Reverse of clockwise
2. Rotating in the opposite direction.
3. To make time go backward
4. Counter, un-, or non. Whenever one wants to say something that is not one way but the other.

1. My clock ticks anticlockwise.

2. Bro, which way should I pass this? Clockwise or...uh... anticlockwise?

3. When you're cruising down the street in the DeLorean about to hit 88mph. Anticlockwise.

4. Uncool - Anticool, Counterclockwise - Anticlockwise, "It's friday! But I have to wake up early for a parade tomorrow?! Anti-weekend!"

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