Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Anti-simp day?

For National Anti-Simp Day you are to avoid close contact with simps. If you see a simp,kick his testicles like a Real Babyback Bitch.

Hey guys,Happy National Anti-Simp Day let's all go home and play games and not worry about those Simps around at the mall.

👍43 👎17

Anti-simp day - video


Anti-simp day - what is it?

Anti-simp day is celebrated each year on January 22. If you notice a simp that day, make sure they know their simping ideologies are harmful for the people at large. Educate and avert them from preaching and practicing simping.

"Man, Steve's a true anti-simp. It's just the morning of Anti-Simp Day and he's stopped like a dozen people already!"

👍43 👎13