Definder - what does the word mean?

What is American Idle?

(1) A couch potato who can get off only by watching judges diss a singa.

(2) What happens while you gass in your new Hummer at ZERO MPG, sitting out a gas station traffic jam, waiting for oil to fall back under $6.66/gallon.

(3) What happened in the oval office when Dubya was prez.

That lazy ass ain't no dawg, he just gass himself with bean dip till he the next American idle. Kaboom!

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American Idle - video


American Idle - what is it?

What happens to your first career after you appear on American Idol

"I recorded that first album, and it did pretty good. But sales are dropping, I can't get any press, and I guess I feel like I'm American Idling"

👍3245 👎9699

What does "American Idle" mean?

When someone sits idling at a green light while singing along to their radio. Originally coined by Buster-Ass Marcus of the Donkey Show in Eugene, OR.

"Oh man! I was so into that song, I just American Idled everyone behind me for 3 lights!"

👍27 👎17

American Idle - what does it mean?

Peter Strand
See: furious george, pedro, vacation destroyer, peternator

How come Peter Strand isn't at his computer?
He's being American Idle again

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