Definder - what does the word mean?

What is All-pro?

similar to the All American Challenge the All American pro challenge is game to do at parties when teams of four are given a 12 pack of there choice, a fifth of SoCo, an eighth of weed, a large pizza (also of there choice of toppings) and a 250 piece puzzle to solve and they must race against time to finish all of these things

A:"dude i did the all american challenge last night!"
B:"nice! did you do the all american standard challenge or the all american pro challenge?"
A:"theirs a pro challenge?"
B:"... pussy"

👍39 👎13

All-pro - meme gif

All-pro meme gif

All-pro - video


All-pro - what is it?

When your giant clam basher performs so well that your woman advertises to her friends causing your dance card to be full at all times.

She has a lot of little hottie girlfriends, so I gave her the all pro cock hammer! My phone hasn't stopped ringing !

👍125 👎55

What does "All-pro" mean?

A level after basic bitch when someone has gone way too far and has become a pro at being a bitch.

Brandon: Hi Maggie
Maggie: Brandon shut up I have to make fun of people and call them adopted
Brandon: You're being an all pro bitch

👍41 👎17

All-pro - what does it mean?

first quality, exceptional(from the football (U.S. sense) term for the season's best players)

That pottery is all-pro.

👍31 👎15