Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Airbrushed?

What happens when a person with bad vision forgets their contacts or glasses. Every person seems very attractive no matter what they look like. Any girl looks airbrushed or perfect like a model

Austin- how about that girl over there? She seems hot.

Jeff- nope, it's just the airbrush effect again.

Walker- ya, she's like a 2/10 you need your contacts

👍27 👎13

Airbrushed - meme gif

Airbrushed meme gif

Airbrushed - video


Airbrushed - what is it?

to fart

Who airbrushed their boxers? It smells like rotten eggs!

👍25 👎11

What does "Airbrushed" mean?

ahr-kuh n-saw air-bruhsh

When someone (man or woman) is receiving oral pleasure and passes gas in the face of the person giving them said oral pleasure.

Guy 1: So, what happened with you and Jill last night?
Guy 2: She was blowing me and I gave her an Arkansas Airbrush by accident. She was cool with it though and finished me off anyway.

👍25 👎11

Airbrushed - what does it mean?

When someone is so perfect looking they look like the after photo of a magazine shoot all the time, like God has airbrushed them before putting them on earth.

You are so beautiful it's like you've been airbrushed by God.

👍41 👎15

Airbrushed - meaning

A person (usually a woman) in a photo in which unskillful post-processing made the skin look like almost entirely painted with airbrush tool in Photoshop and turned it roughly into a revolting alien.

This is a common effect due to overuse of bluring, liquiding, clone stamping and softening techniques which are supposed to reduce the small imprecisions of skin and make the person look prettier. Instead, it often backfires by eliminating the features which make the face look real (see also Uncanny Valley).

tabloid> Are these real people or fucking airbrush aliens? Their faces glitter like dog's balls!

👍31 👎11

Airbrushed - definition

Airbrush tanning, often called spray tanning or sunless tanning, is a process by which a DHA based solution is airbrushed on to the skin via an automated system or HVLP tanning equipment. When the airbrush tanning solution is sprayed onto the skin, a safe, natural, sunless tan develops and lasts for between one and two weeks. Sunless tanning solutions contain dihydroxyacetone (DHA), an ingredient approved by the FDA, which reacts with the natural amino acids in the top layer of your skin, producing the best looking sunless bronze tan. The pigments resulting from a spray tan do not provide UV protection. The DHA airbrush tanning solution is applied while the client stands in either an automated booth, or in a pop up spray tan tent. With most solutions the deepest tan color is reached within about 12 hours, so the color will continue to darken after the initial application. Airbrush tanning solutions also typically have a bronzer that provides an immediate tan effect. When using an airbrush or spray gun, this instant color helps ensure even coverage. In this age of immediate gratification, solutions that include instant bronzing are popular with most clients. Most of this added bronzer will come off in the first shower/bath after application. The color that remains is produced by the DHA reacting with the skin, aka, your airbrush tan.

I had a party to go to, and I didn't have time to lay out in the sun, so I went airbrush tanning instead. Instant gratification.

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Airbrushed - slang

To take away a particular part of a object.

"Don't make me airbrush your _______ away!"

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Trying to make something seem nicer than it actually is.

She talked her boyfriend up, but he's actually a scrub. Total airbrushing.

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a tool used by specialty artisans that adds a fine stream of paint and mixes it with air before it hits the canvas or surface being sprayed. By being able to control the paint and airflow accurately and precisely the artist can achieve amazing photo realistic techiniques that can amaze or fool the eye of the beholder.

Check out that awesome airbrush job on that motorcycle tank.
I can airbrush out your pimple and whiten your teeth on your photograph for the magazine

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This is used when something is twisted slightly to make it sound better.

John told his mother he went to his mates house for dvd night, but realy he went to his mates house for a party with alchohol.

Betty: "You lied to your mom about friday night?"
John: "No I only airbrushed the truth"

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