Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ahaa?

A shorty who bounces on dick to keep her kids fed😂

His baby momma is an ahaa bitch

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Ahaa - meme gif

Ahaa meme gif

Ahaa - video


Ahaa - what is it?

AHaaS - Ass-Hole as a service - The newest cloud-based technology. Employing a person whose views are non-believable but influences many with non-valid jargon.

We just added a new service to a list of many that do not work and are costing our company money. The new line of AHaaS is a low cost but highly effective tool that will decrease productivity, and leave you with an everlasting nonsensical vocabulary.

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What does "Ahaa" mean?


Acronym for "always have an answer" used to describe a final comment in a conversation; similar in meaning to having the last word.

No matter what you say, he will AHAA.

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