Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Adobo?

the darker the pekpek the more it taste like adobo.


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Adobo - meme gif

Adobo meme gif

Adobo - video


Adobo - what is it?

Hispanic penis

Dos mio consuela loved Pedro’s adobo dick

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What does "Adobo" mean?

Filipino soup with chicken and dark sauce.

Filipinoes eat chicken adobo

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Adobo - what does it mean?

When you do a fake laugh every joke that goes "he he"

"You have the Adobo Laugh"

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Adobo - meaning

a latino's favorite seasoning. Used to add flavor to anything you can set your mind to.

"these burgers need some flavor..pasame el adobo goya"

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Adobo - definition

A delicious beef or chicken dish from Filipinos

I want some of that sexy adobo!!!!!!

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Adobo - slang

adobo (preferably goya) is any latino's favorite seasoning. used to add flavor to everything and anything your abuela sets her mind to. the only thing that fixes everything (besides vaporu)

(a spanish seasoning which is usually overused for cooking. but you didn't hear that from me)

"im making chicken for dinner... pasame el adobo goya"

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