Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Adnana?

An annoying person ... did i mention annoying and quite foreign 😭

That adnana chick... a handful

👍39 👎71

Adnana - meme gif

Adnana meme gif

Adnana - video


Adnana - what is it?

The sexiest, most spoiled southern belle you'll ever find.
With a sweet southern drawl that makes men crawl.

Loves to have her cake and eat it too.
She wants everything her way, or it's highway.
Her diamonds make babies!
God trew away the mold when he made her.
Men says she's like crack!
She's an addiction.

Don't be such a Adnana!

👍31 👎15

What does "Adnana" mean?

A dusty bitch

Whos adnana
A dusty bishhh ;0

👍37 👎53

Adnana - what does it mean?

Adnana is the most beautiful person you will ever come across. Her positive energy and bubbly personality will improve even your worst days. She is a trust worthy person and loyal to the core. Perfect in any sense, you will be more than lucky to have her in your life!

Adnana has made my life so much better

👍99 👎15