Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Aanshi?

Aanshi is an AMAZING friend and she’s fucking awesome! She is bisexual and thus open to all human beings. Aanshi is a weird specimen however, once mentioning that she will “get on her knees for anime men”.

DAYUM you cut your hair! You look like Aanshi!”

“What? She’s so awesome! Thanks for the compliment

👍25 👎13

Aanshi - video


Aanshi - what is it?

the coolest person in the whole universe and everyone loves her. shes also very funny but very underrated.

*alexa play shes kinda hot by 5 seconds of summer*

anybody: damn aanshi 69 is actually so cool i wish i was her, i should get her snap
anybody else: yeah i have it its avanis213, and yeah shes hella cool

👍27 👎11

What does "Aanshi" mean?

A gujarati peng ting with an ass so fine, hair so shine, all the boys wanna say MINE!

Why is Aanshi on her knees?

👍49 👎35

Aanshi - what does it mean?

Full of humour .loyal friend.she can turn the saddest heart into a happy one
She will be successful.she will end up with a perfect man

Oh aanshi is very loyal

👍87 👎17