Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A kurva anyád?

"Kurva anyád"

Means "you son of a bitch" in hungarian.

Hungarians mostly use it when sth went wrong (and they are mad)

It's practically sth like "shit!"

Kurva means "fucked" so they basically say "your mom is fucked"

Kurva anyád, I fucked up again.


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A kurva anyád - video


A kurva anyád - what is it?

This is what you say if someone makes you angry.
Hungarian word for son of a bitch, but it's actually meant to his/her mother, not the child. (Like "your whore mother")

1: Mivan, kikaptál? :D
2: A kurva anyád !
1: What's up? you lost the game? :D
2: You son of a bitch !

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What does "A kurva anyád" mean?

kurva anyád is a universal phrase in the hungarian langauge.
kurva means whore ,anyád means mother.
It can be said anywhere , anytime.

You burn yourself: A kurva anyád!
Someone steals your kill in a game: A kurva anyád!
The teacher is a dick: A kurva anyád!

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