Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A bad Bitch?

One who rides or die for her man. Perfect frame face of beauty book and street smart.

Kay a bad bitch own money independent with two degrees. Ow

👍205 👎91

A bad Bitch - video


A bad Bitch - what is it?

bad bitch someone who will do anything and isn't scared of a challenge

Mariyah is a bad bitch

👍71 👎23

What does "A bad Bitch" mean?

An amusing, inspiring, fun-loving, and independent bosslady who is mentally gifted and also fine as hell.

It's without question that Al-He-Shine-Her is one hell of a bad bitch.

👍551 👎217

A bad Bitch - what does it mean?

1.Female who knows what she wants and knows exactly how to get it2.Female who is always ready for anything physically, emotionally, and also intellectually(one being book smart as well as street smart).3.One who is classy and all about business4.Last but certainly not least one who knows how to take care of her man at home and in the streets and remains loyal to him(her man), herself, and the game at which she plays.

Denice is The BAD BITCH!

👍6181 👎2597

A bad Bitch - meaning

Totally mentally gifted and usually also fine as hell.

Darcy is a bad bitch.

👍6633 👎1907

A bad Bitch - definition

a female who is very very badass


👍867 👎203

A bad Bitch - slang

A women or female who is confident. She is independent and strives for herself. She doesn't need anybody and you would be lucky to have somebody. She can control herself and her feelings. She is also irresistible

Dave:" Do you know Jessica?"
Jason:" Yeah. Why?"
Dave:" She is a real baddy. I'm gonna get that!"
Jason:" She is a bad bitch though. I'm gonna get it before you!"

👍1769 👎421

A bad Bitch


You a Bad Bitch 😏

👍623 👎135

A bad Bitch

A girl who is bold and will do anything for herself and has a great self confidence.

A bad bitch is lexi and Jordan

👍385 👎69

A bad Bitch

A badass, solid chick with self respect.

"That's wassup. She's a Bad Bitch".

👍2703 👎435