Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A WORM?

it is a popular dance in which you wiggle your body.

Hey Nasir what are you doing.

I'm doing the worm

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A WORM - video


A WORM - what is it?

(v)- The popular Japanese fad of sexually stimulating a partner by applying the tongue to the other's eyeball

Person 1: Look at those people worming!
Person 2: Stop staring, freak....

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What does "A WORM" mean?

A break dance that involves the person getting on the floor (stomach down) and moving in a curvy wave sort of like how a worm moves, hence the title.
Also called "the centipede".

Did you see Ed S. do the worm in the cafeteria? He must've gone 20 feet down the place!

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A WORM - what does it mean?

In the construction business,or world.
A worm is a low life who would do anything to keep his/her job.
Going agaiinst the craftsmen standards and brotherly ways of the union workforce.

1 Look at that wormy bastard cobbelng up a pipe run just to rush the job.
2 The wormy fucker worked through lunch again.
3 Watch what you say in front of that worm. It all goes back to the office.
4 That worm would suck a cock to get some overtime.

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A WORM - meaning

Turn-based strategy game series, made by Team17, the idea of which is to kill some worms with overly powerful weapons. Probably the best game ever to be made by anyone.

Bow to the power of Worms; it is omnipotent.

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A WORM - definition

It is a term used to define the action of sticking their finger up the butthole of another.

Person #1: If you keep talking back to me ill give you The Worm.
Person #2: Ya right!
Person #1: It The Worm Ayy!!!!!!
Person #2:AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

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A WORM - slang

Typically used in the pedal bike community for someone who can’t wheelie or do combos. But is also used in a sarcastic way sometimes

β€œCorey you a worm”

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A long snakey boi

oof a worm!!

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A "bikelife" person that says they all "bikelife" but really isn't. Often makes accuses for riding. Like a poser.

Person one (dom): "Bikelife shit man we around word!"
Person two (real bikelife): "Oh damn ok, let's go to mcdonalds."
Person one (dom): "Yeah, I really want mcdonalds, I'm gonna call my mom."
Person two (real bikelife): "man, fuck outta here, you just a WORM."

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Dark,depressing,negative,and evil thoughts that cause change in emotion and personality.They are delusions inside someone's mind and leads them to act in violent,anti-social and psychotic ways.

When The Worms ate into Pink's brain,it began his transformation to the Neo-Nazi dictator shown during "In The Flesh","Run Like Hell",and "Waiting For The Worms"

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