Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A Koi?

the coolest and most amazing person. she's funny and caring and there's no way you don't enjoy her company <3

i strongly believe in koy supremacy

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A Koi - video


A Koi - what is it?

a word used to describe the extent/intensity of awesome-ness something holds

Koi Maza Aya

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What does "A Koi" mean?

Koi might not be the smartest but he is really funny, maybe even the funniest in your class. He is very enjoyable to hang around with and generally a nice person. Also he is a eshay

Koi Is Very Funny

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A Koi - what does it mean?

This is a Japanese fish

or in my case me because I named myself koi forgetting the fact that koi is a name of a Japanese fish

look there is a koi fish! IDK what to put here ok

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A Koi - meaning

1) Large species of carp
2) Vibrating dildo that can send your woman to the moon and around several stars.

I used my koi last night and came so hard I soaked the sheets

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A Koi - definition

one of the coolest chicks ever. She is a future therapist and can see everything, so dont lie to her

Koy, Koy, Koy
Your so crazy.

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A Koi - slang

A girl bestfriend. She will have your back and help you in times of needs. She will put others needs before her own.

You are so awesome; you should be my Koy.

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A Koi

Something so good and awsome that it defies explanation.

Ivan: OMG. Thats just....koy!

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A Koi

Japanese word for lover. shortcut for 'koibito'

Kanan was Hakkai's koi

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A Koi

Koy! A great name for a boy (or girl). A β€œKoy” is a kind human being who will do absolute anything for the people they care about. They are very talented in sports, academics, and art. You will be in awe when you find out their many skills and how creative and witty they are. Although they may be smart, their common sense may be a little low. But no matter what, this person will always find a way to make you laugh. This person is very inspiring, and many people don’t realize how great koy’s truly are. Their name is just as beautiful as an actual koi fish

Wow, I wish I had a best friend like Koy.

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