Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A Cook?

to smoke marijuana and get very high

man i am so cooked i just smoked an ounce doobie

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A Cook - video


A Cook - what is it?

Someone who is awfully tired and needs to get some sleep. Often caused by excessive drinking and partying.

You're cooked, go home and go to bed.

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What does "A Cook" mean?

to slander someones physical attributes in a profound or abbrupt manner

yo irby im bout to cook ya lil ugly ass boy u look like jabba the hut

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A Cook - what does it mean?

A protean term that is used to convey an evaluative judgment of a thing or a state of affairs. Something that is "cooked" may be very good, very bad, or somewhere in between. The adjective may readily carry further nuances, depending on the context.

The word otherwise does not lend itself to exhaustive definition in the abstract. Its meaning in any particular situation – or whether it has a precise meaning at all – depends heavily on the speaker's subjective purpose. Ascertainment of that meaning requires considering the use of the word in its broader conversational context.

"Oh man, that class was so cooked."

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A Cook - meaning

(Colloquial Australian) When you attempt to do something, eg kicking a footy or flirting with a girl and you stuff up really badly, almost like burning a meal

Fred: Kick us the ball mate
Frank: Eh sure

Frank: *absolutely shanks it*
Frank: (Under breath) oh I've cooked it
Fred: Frank you hoon

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A Cook - definition

Cooking is a dance trend invented by Lil' B, in that it's only waist up - designed to be done in front of a web cam.

Different Levels of cooking include:
-Head Chefs
-Top Chefs
-Master Chef (like a black belt)

We be cooking like a master chef right now - SWAG!

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A Cook - slang

1. Cook Twitter Slang CAN mean to pull, could be known as β€œrizz up” (or β€œflirt with”).
2. Cook can also mean to make fun of, also known as β€œroasting”.

1. S: β€œDamn shorty do it fart? 😭πŸ”₯”

D: β€œFind God πŸ˜Ÿβ€

R: β€œLet him cook bro”
2. J: *Posts an embarrassing picture*

L: β€œYou’re finished πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­β€

R: β€œI’m boutta cook broβ˜ οΈβ€

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A Cook

a way of describing a scenario, person or object in an extremely negative way.

Bro #1: yo homie that girl is cooked as fuck.
Bro #2: shits cooked.

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A Cook

To flame someone beyond possible recovery

Our teacher really cooked us when she said she wouldn’t move the test

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A Cook

A reference to the fabrication of meth and the American show Breaking Bad. Often used in situation where someone is doing a crazy action or is achieving something big.

Me: "talking to a girl"
My friends: Wait, hold up, he's cooking, let him cook.

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