Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A BARBIE?

A blonde plastic girl that is very popular towards young girls between the ages of 3-6. She has the perfect life and owns a pink house and a convertible. She has many friends. Barbie can be very scarey at times because she does not blink and will stare at you no matter where you are; she also smiles 24/7 even when you break her head off.

Barbie is a waste of money, if you buy her then you'll have to buy her friends, and her house and her sisters and her car and her ken. BARBIE IS A BIG WASTE OF MONEY!

👍1579 👎607

A BARBIE - video


A BARBIE - what is it?

a plastic doll that mysteriously gets a new sister every year or so.
I think she really does it with Ken but they say its her sister so ppl dont think she's a crackwhore that will sit on a cock for beer money.

Man, another sister for barbie?! How the fuck does she have another sister!!!
the stupid mother fucking crack heads at Matell.

👍3583 👎1299

What does "A BARBIE" mean?

A plastic blonde doll; victim of decapitation; supermodel body; a symbol of bimboism

Barbie: Hi-eeee
Barbie: How are you today?
Barbie: Oh, you mean me? (giggles)
Audience: (rolls eyes)

👍1839 👎629

A BARBIE - what does it mean?

The reason for little girls hating the way they look

"Mommy, Why can't I look like Barbie?"

👍647 👎199

A BARBIE - meaning

A plastic doll, apprx. 11 1/2 inches in height, manufactured by Mattel since 1959, where she was introduced at the American Toy Fair at NYC. Barbie, a rather well endowed female, is known to have been an astronaut, a lawyer, veterinarian, model, and much more-and recently-a mom. Fact of the matter is, so many weirdos are obsessed with Barbie that they tend to attempt to obtain her figure and looks, which is completely impossible, as Barbie is a fictional character. Barbie also owns many dollhouses and convertibles in her name. If it were not for real people out there, she'd quite possibly be the most successful creature out there.

Barbie is blond, has a pink convertible, a pink house, and a number of sisters. Her boyfriend/husband/whatever you'd like to call him is named Ken. Yup...

👍2427 👎749

A BARBIE - definition

A plastic doll that is targeted at little girls. A tall, thin blonde with a fake tan and a 24/7 smile and unblinking eyes, not to mention a head that turns 360 degrees. A doll that represents a limited and unrealistic view of women.

She seems to gain a new sister every year or so, but why have we never seen their mother? Barbie is probably hiding the fact that she regularly has sex with Ken... but then, she has no uterus and her hips are too narrow for carrying a child, and Ken is likely bisexual, if not gay. Seriously, where is she getting all of these "baby sisters" and what is the nature of her relationship with Ken?

For a women to have Barbie's body, she would have to be 7'2'', weigh 120 lbs, have an 18''-23'' waist, a 38''-45'' bust, 36'' hips, and a neck twice the length of a normal human neck. Barbie would have to crawl around on all fours just to support her unnatural proportions if she were a human.

👍1533 👎421

A BARBIE - slang

Badass, cuteass, down ass bitch

Taylor is such a barbie

👍25 👎11


Hiya, Barbie
Hi, Ken
Do you want to go for a ride?
Sure, Ken
Jump in
I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
Come on, Barbie, let's go party
I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
I'm a blond bimbo girl in a fantasy world
Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly
You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink
Kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky
You can touch
You can play
If you say, "I'm always yours" (ooh, oh)
I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
Come on, Barbie, let's go party (ah ah ah yeah)
Come on, Barbie, let's go party (ooh oh, ooh oh)
Come on, Barbie, let's go party (ah ah ah yeah)
Come on, Barbie, let's go party (ooh oh, ooh oh)
Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please
I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees
Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again
Hit the town, fool around, let's go party
You can touch
You can play
If you say, "I'm always yours"
You can touch
You can play
If you say, "I'm always yours"
Come on, Barbie, let's go party

Barbie is a doll.

👍139 👎25


a plastic whore

if barbie is so popular then why do you have to buy her friends?

👍7935 👎1503


1. In noun form, this word refers to a "roast" or putting-down of an abnormally attractive and cheery person by and for the entertainment of others.

2. In verb form, it means to participate in the act described above.

1. You're saying that my hair is blindingly blond, she's saying that I'm so happy it's depressing...what is this, a barbie-the-Barbie?!?

2. Just look at her, she thinks she's so cool with her sparkling teeth and boots with the fur...ladies, time to barbie-the-Barbie.

👍79 👎31