Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ASHKAN?

ashkan shows off all the time...
He sucks his own dick...
likes to think he better than everyone else.....

BUT....ashkan is kick ass on the guitar !!!

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ASHKAN - meme gif

ASHKAN meme gif

ASHKAN - video


ASHKAN - what is it?

A very self-aware and intelligent person who is a bit of a perfectionist, who are naturally good artists, especially on the guitar, he is a symbol of creativity and patience, people named ashkan usually intrested in girls named Narges(Narciss).

Ashkan, i see a great spark in you, don't let me down.

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What does "ASHKAN" mean?

Ashkan is alright. hes into gaming and has his moments, god bless the man for not being like the other 3 IANNNN, radhay and Roilly

guy 1: hi ashkan
ashkan: hey fucker
ashkan: BE GONE THOT

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ASHKAN - what does it mean?

An Iranian kid who loves soccer. He rarely uses his weak foot, but he’s still a pretty good dribbler. He texts his teammates a lot and uses a TON of emojis. He’s a bit of a perfectionist, but he is usually in a good mood. I don’t think he’s ever mad at someone.

Teammate: Hey Ashkan! What’s up?
Ashkan (In a cheery voice w/ a smile: Did you see that PSG game??? Messi with the hat trick?!😁😁😁

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ASHKAN - meaning

He is a big memer and hates flat earthers.

Fucking hell, here comes ASHKAN

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ASHKAN - definition

The name (ashkan) is the third dynasty of persian kings.
It is a powerfull name and figure. Normally people who are called ashkan are intellectually gifted and a gift to mankind.

All Ashkan's in the world.

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ASHKAN - slang

Ashkan is a Persian name meaning a "FUCKING LEGEND". Ashkan is smart as hell and can do whatever the fuck he wants. He can even rule the world if he wants to but for him, this things are only a game, so he tries to enjoy the simplest things with his friends...

Alexis Texas: "Ashkan can you come here tonight?"
Ashkan: "Baby I am going to mars now, I'll come by to your house before I leave earth tho."

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Ashkan is the name of the old king in Iran.
He is a very classic Persian boy with modern values.
He's an amazing artist, both on the guitar and behind the camera.
When you meet an Ashkan you may think he be shy at first but it's worth getting to know him because he's an amazing friend with a big heart.
Beware though, he has a temper, so don't tick him off.
All in all, he's worth befriending and will likely keep you entertained with spongebob memes and Persian jokes.

"That guy's so good on the guitar!"

"Yup. That's Ashkan for ya"

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