Definder - what does the word mean?


An Anti Furry is a person who is partially (or entirely) against the furry fandom and community because of the several bad things they do, for example: Oversexualizing animals, promoting zoophilia, and sending stupid death threats towards anyone against them. These are one of the many reasons why anti furries hate furries, and that makes any anti furry based.

Furry: UW-
Anti Furry: Target Spotted.

đź‘Ť149 đź‘Ž101

ANTI FURRY - video


ANTI FURRY - what is it?

If this is a copy of the original entry I’m sorry. But anti Furrys are a particular group of people. Who has the other entrys suggest does not like that furry community and has a. Costco receipt of reasons. I’m just gonna list some more “popular ones” first up is being exposed to the furry community at a extremely young age. And most likely being scarred for life because even though the furry say “it’s a small Minority” the thousands of children that get scarred every day because of that would disagree. Because there is always mountains of it and to be honest if this gets disliked into oblivion and buried that just proves my point that they’ll try to hide anything that isn’t agreeing with them and I do have to admit the anti-furry community can be very very toxic. But that does not excuse the type of behavior that happens in the furry community. Number two is the fetishes such as but not limited to zoophillea/bestiality, inflation, vore and necrophilia. And for some reason doing the kitchen sink no I could keep going but this is getting bloated as is so I’m just gonna cut it right here and give you the ways you can use anti-furry in a sentence.

Number one: oh is ( ) a anti-furry

Number two: I hope my anti-furry neighbor doesn’t find out I’m a furry

Number three: The anti-furry movement can be quite toxic

đź‘Ť193 đź‘Ž105

What does "ANTI FURRY" mean?

A cringe and racist faggot that is against furries; they are commonly found on youtube with some nazi wannabe looking ass pfp, they usually mention their weird fetish on videos that aren't even related to furries. you'll most likely only find them on youtube shorts since they are 7-12 year old kids with a short attention span that got brainwashed into becoming a nazi. i mean, it's really messed up how they just get pushed into these insane trends. but hey, if you are an anti-furry, you can go suck my tiny dick you furry in denial. but i also found some pedophiles that simp for anti-furries(yes they actually exist), and to those same pedophiles, the anti-furry community isn't gonna let you hit, stop simping over them nigga, you can go say "oh the anti-furry community is gonna laugh at your cringy statement!1!111!1" but no they fucking aren't, they are so sensitive that speaking the honest truth gets them all pissed off and stuff, speaking of truth, they can't even argue, i saw some guy that kept saying "oh furries are bad", and when i asked him why, he kept saying "i don't need to prove it", and he kept thinking he was some genius or some shit. but yeah, you don't need to have hate in your heart. just admit that you're a furry so i can fuck you already...

anti-furry: hey, i am anti-furry!
furryfucker445: doesn't that make you a racist?
anti-furry: the fuck you mean?
furryfucker445: well, it's all based off one question, why do you hate furries?
anti-furry: because they're cringe and sussy
furryfucker445: well, using your own logic, you are a racist because you assume that all black people are cotton pickers that love chicken
Anti-furry: N-no that isn't true!!!!
furryfucker445:shut the fuck up

đź‘Ť379 đź‘Ž245

ANTI FURRY - what does it mean?

based chad who has critical thinking and does not listen to furry coverup

the anti furry crusade will wipe a fur fags from the planet

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ANTI FURRY - meaning

An Anti-Furry is a person who dislikes the Furry fandom for a multitude of reasons the furries think are ridiculous and lie about how zoophiles and pedophiles are hated there.

Anti-furry: I don’t like the furry fandom for the amount of cringe, toxicity and criminal activities in the furry fandom, oh and how can I forget the porn.

Furry: You are being a jerk about it. A lot of the fandom hates the toxicities and criminal activities. And most of the fandom does not even see the porn. Learn to grow up.

Anti-furry: Yea whatever here’s evidence that I’m right. (Evidence with link of where evidence was found)

Furry: You faked that.

Anti-furry: tell me when that makes sense with the link right there. I will be living life like a human while you play dress up to escape reality because your to weak for it when your dad left

đź‘Ť219 đź‘Ž115

ANTI FURRY - definition

See also: Retard

Anti furries are delusional motherufuckers who have no life. They are always found on places like Youtube shorts with those Nazi-wannabe profile pics. making the same braindead edits comparing furries to anti furries. You know those ones that are like A vs B and it compares their strength speed intelligence etc? where and who the fuck are they getting this stupid information from huh? When have you seen a furry and an anti furry in a race so you can compare their speed!? It’s so stupid! and then their 12 and under start kissing their ass thinking they’re a genius for saying furries suck for the 9,223,372,036,854,775,807th time already. Like shut up and stay in school so you can fucking get at least 2 more braincells so you can have at least an eighth of a properly functioning brain and maybe so you can get up to 2 IQ points. All they ever do is death threaten people for dressing up as animals and drawing animals. What’s so bad about that? Are you traumatised that you walked into your mom getting banged by the Mickey Mouse mascot from disney land or is it those hiveminded anti furries getting you first. If you’re an anti furry and reading this, I got a bone to pick with you. Go outside, go fuck yourself, and get a life! And quite frankly fuck you. Change your ways and maybe God will consider forgiving you and letting you into heaven. If you’re a furry and reading this. Good! Don’t be afraid to be open about it. People can’t do shit, they’re just cyberbullies,

“The anti furry community is the stupidest community on the internet” -Sir Tim, The inventor of the World Wide Web

đź‘Ť139 đź‘Ž49

ANTI FURRY - slang

People who oppose furries for their own reasons, shared or not. Mainly due to the stigmatization and sexual/undesirable parts of the furry communities being more active/impactful. Some merely hate furries and or want to get a reaction, for ex. trolling and bullying. Others have a more perceived righteous reasons such as the fear of having them corrupt individuals such as children, or other publicized drama from notorious members of the community such as "Kero the Wolf" for example (an infamous zoophile with plenty of connections to his kind).

Either way, their prejudices, reasonable or not, are the reasons why they become such. They hate furries, always with multiple reasons they can name. Even former furries are susceptible to joining this group if parts of their fandom go downhill.

Not all furries are bad, but a majority of the furry community continues to fuel their own stereotypes, thus birthing more Anti-furry individuals.

Furry: UwU ywwr doggwgy is sow swft OWO. (I cringed writing this part)
Anti-Furry: *Loads Ar-15* Your reign of terror ends now, DEMON!

đź‘Ť69 đź‘Ž29


(I have only seen biased definitions, so I will take it upon myself to write an actually neutral one)

The Anti-Furry community is a group of individuals that all share a dislike of the Furry Fandom. Most Anti-Furries choose this path for many reasons, with the most common being that they believe it's "cool", for religious purposes, or their dislike of anthropomorphic animals or porn. The Anti-Furry community can be extremely toxic, unreasonable, and extreme. But it is impossible to define the Anti-Furry community any more than "they dislike anthropomorphic animals".

"Hey, did you know that () is an Anti-Furry?"
"Yeah, I sort of agree with their ideas, but the Anti-Furry community is quite toxic"

đź‘Ť77 đź‘Ž19


A person who is really hates the furry fandom.
They tend to harrass or try to offend furries.
Anti-furries can be commonly found on discord, either raiding or spying on a server.

"Hey dude, I think the furry server recently got nuked, do you know who did it?"
"Yeah, it was an Anti-furry, he took the whole server down by himself."

đź‘Ť517 đź‘Ž109


It is a group that hates the furry fandom and does its best to accuse furries for being a pedophile/zooiphile by doing their 3 minutes of research and when they find a zooiphile (who most likely doesn't have any connection with the furry fandom) they explain that they are the entire fandom

Some other anti-furries on instagram post pictures that say that when the viewer likes it, a furry will die

Anti-furry: all furries are zooiphiles
Reasonable person: well I've looked into the fandom and furries do absolutly hate zoo/pedophiles and there were cases where a furry has been one of those and got tremendous amount of hate from the furry fandom
Anti-furry: you're so wrong

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