Definder - what does the word mean?

What is AHM?

Ahmed is the best boyfriend/person in this world.. You’re so lucky if you have an ahmed in your life because he goes milesss for the people he loves . He’s smart, funny and hotttt!!

1: wow you have an ahmed in your life! you’re so lucky
2: yea i know

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AHM - meme gif

AHM meme gif

AHM - video


AHM - what is it?

Punctuation king

Ahmed is the punctuation king

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What does "AHM" mean?

Common Muslim name for males. Comes from a nickname for the Prophet Muhammad and means "praised one" in Arabic.

Also spelled Ahmad.

Starkecia: Yo dawg u hear about that fine boy Ahmed? He just owned us on that last bio test.

Charles Everton III: Fo shizzity?

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AHM - what does it mean?

A peng beast with a penis the size of jupiter

I wish my penis is as big as ahmeds

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AHM - meaning

A man with a handsome face and pure white Arabian skin, legends say that at the 15th of October 2020 he will become a vampire and rule the Galaxy by summoning demonic unicorns and ruining the human race, and most importantly he'll kill Donald trump

Person 1: did you hear about the legend of Ahmed?
Person 2: yeah, he might be our savior, except for the fact he'll kill us all x(

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AHM - definition

A guy who is always up to party and have a good time! Makes you laugh and smile at the same time! Very attractive, athletic, smart, genuine & sweet. He's the total package. If you don't have a Ahmed in your life you're missing out on something amazing.

Hey whose the new guy? he's sooo cool and friendly.

He's definitely a Ahmed!

Ah, I want one

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AHM - slang

The sexiest and coldest mf eveah, he the best friend you could eva haveπŸ—£

Person: Yo, is that Ahmed?
Person 2: Sheesh, yeah it is, he saved Africa from poverty, solved world hunger, and brought world peace yesterday.
Person: Cool, I bet he has four wives

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Ahmed is the name of a crazy, awesome, funny and sweet boy. He makes a great boyfriend and normally has curly hair. Ahmeds tend to speak more than one language.

Girl 1-Did you see what Ahmed did for his girlfriend?
Girl 2- is Ahmed the curly haired boy that is crazy?
Girl 1- Yep, that's Ahmed!
Girl 2- Yeah, I saw what he did for her, he is so sweet!

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Ahmed. The most amazingly perfect person you could ever meet. He is perfect in every way, and every person he meets adores him. He is loved by so many, yet loves only one other more than his own life. An Ahmed always has beautiful eyes and isn't afraid to use them to his advantage. Even though he loves only one other, he will flirt with people of the opposit sex. If you know an Ahmed, look after him. He is the greatest treasure you could have.

Me: Hey, is his name Ahmed?
Friend: It must be, look how unbelievably perfect he is!

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Ahmed. The most amazingly perfect person you could ever meet. He is perfect in every way, and every person he meets adores him. He is loved by so many, yet loves only one other more than his own life. An Ahmed always has beautiful eyes and isn't afraid to use them to his advantage. Even though he loves only one other, he will flirt with people of the opposit sex. He also has a big penis and is a good loyal boyfriend. If you know an Ahmed, look after him. He is the greatest treasure you could have.

Me: Hey, is his name Ahmed?

Friend: It must be, look how unbelievably perfect he is!

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