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What is A350?

March 5

The day when aviation fans around the world celebrate the engineering masterpiece, the Airbus A350.

Captain: Dude, do you even know what today is?
First Officer: March 5th.
Captain: Yes! It’s National A350 day! Tell the cabin crew to turn up the cabin lights and let’s party!

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A350 meme gif

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A350 - what is it?

someone who loves ELEPS-Powersound

Airbus A350-900 ULR

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What does "A350" mean?

A super modern jet airliner from Airbus. After Boeing agreed to GE’s offer to make their GE90 and GE9X engines exclusive on the 777 models, Airbus made the smart decision and giving Rolls Royce exclusivity on their A350 and A330neo. Having its first flight in 2014, it has proven to be an ultra fuel efficient long range wide body airliner. It even inspired Boeing to copy it and make a 777X. Not only that, but the Trent XWB engines sound much better than those found on the 787 and 777.

Sweet, our plane got switched from a 777 to an Airbus A350!

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A350 - what does it mean?

Airbus' newest commercial product. The aircraft looks extremely similar to the B787 but is much uglier.

the Airbus A350 is a widebody airliner.

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A350 - meaning

Bad Attempt and Rip-off from Airbus to beat the new Boeing 787, looks like a clone between A330 and 787, and is released few years after the 787. (It even uses same Engines like the 787!)

Lets fly on the original 787 than on the bad copy called A350!

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