Definder - what does the word mean?

What is A12?

A phrase said by toxic jailbreakers speaking very toxic broken english when they ask for "wen eta a12?" Developers usually say shut the fuck up which means its coming but stfu.

Coolstar: A12 on 12.0-12.1.2 is gg ez

The wen eta kid: A12????????????? wen eta a12????? plez reluz ios 12 jelbrick for a12!!!!!

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A12 - meme gif

A12 meme gif

A12 - video


A12 - what is it?

A12 are a wannabe gang who all have rips in their clothes and carry their dads favourite kitchen knife to flex to their other poor friends, they are likely to walk past a docked out cigarette on the floor and their heart drops and they pick it up and relight it. Lewis stones thinks he’s on shit but he gave it leg several times for the hardest gang of all 28/13.

Gibbo is a dirty lesbian, A12, an ugly gang full of tramps

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