Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 90 in 90?

a perfect girl body dimensions..

90 cm tits
60 cm hip
90 cm ass

daaaam look at dat biddy she a 90 60 90

👍139 👎73

90 in 90 - video


90 in 90 - what is it?

noun: a plan or intention to attend 90 recovery meetings (almost always some form of 12 step meetings) in 90 consecutive days; usually follows form of verb 'to do'

"I'm going to do a 90 in 90 starting Sept 1."

noun: the process of attending 90 recovery meetings in 90 days: "I'm halfway through my '90-in-90'.

"I'm going to do a 90 in 90 starting Sept 1."

"I'm halfway through my '90-in-90'.

"Doing a 90-in-90 will really step up your program."

👍53 👎17