Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 835?

Hmm...still unsure it's me huh?
Hmm...what else can I tell you to reassure you who I am?
You saw me recently (6/10)...
I was wearing a green top and white pants glasses (that I think you like ;) )
The 2nd time we chatted via Whatsapp (WA), you asked me my height

And...did you notice...I submitted my 1st text @ 1:11pm that day and you submitted the last text of our chat @ 2:22pm (💙), my time?
8/20/21: date of 1st WA chat
8/24/21: date of 2nd WA chat
10/7/21: date of last WA chat

835...Still don't know who I am? Tell me, what would you like to know? ☯️🌹

👍77 👎65

835 - meme gif

835 meme gif

835 - video