Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 7th December?

National Dick Day

Its december 7th its time for dick

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7th December - video


7th December - what is it?

so basically a dummy thicc queen was born on this day

Person A: "My birthday is December 7th"
Person B: "oh SHITTTT"

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What does "7th December" mean?

Kiss your crush day!!
C’mon girls and boys!!
Get out there and kiss that crush on the lips or cheek!!

Molly *kisses Kyle’s cheek*
Kyle : *blushes* why did you kiss my cheek?
Molly : it’s December 7th
Kyle : oh
Kyle *kisses molly on the lips*

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7th December - what does it mean?

Only got,sexy,cute,funny,nice and loving people are born on December 7th

Angels are born on December 7th

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7th December - meaning

The 6th and 7th of December is the days that you can or be asked if you want a gf/bf and the person you ask can't say no.

Wanna be my gf? It's 6th and 7th December.

Yeah i'd love to. UwU

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7th December - definition

The People born on this day are the best at everything. They are insanely sexy and cute at the same time

- My birthday is 7th december
- That explains why ur so perfect

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7th December - slang

national β€žgive ur crush a hoodieβ€œ day !

boy:here’s my hoodie
girl:uhh… for what is that ?
boy: it’s 7th december!!

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7th December

7th December is Fuck your ass Day. Make sure to get a partner first.

Person 1: hey, what are you gonna do today?
Person 2: Get a guy to fuck me. It's 7th December!!

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7th December

7th December is National Finger Your Friend Day, If your a boy stick your finger in your guy friends ass and same for girls ever wanted to experiment, today is the day!

OMG guess what you have to do to me TODAY

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7th December

National dumb bitch day

Man: hey it’s 7th December
Girl: it’s my birthday
Man: you know what that means...

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