Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 643?

Six hundred forty-three

643 is a prime number.

643 is an odd number.

643 is the 117th prime number.

641 and 643 form a twin prime pair.

643 has the representation 643 = 3^6 - 86.

👍35 👎17

643 - meme gif

643 meme gif

643 - video

643 - what is it?

How about a clue
To help me get to you?

Patience, is that the key?
Maybe I need to plea?

How about a window number three..
You know I have it in me:)

My mind is brewing

All I want to be doing

Think, think, think
What is this missing link

Thanks in advance for the clue❤️❤️
😘 I love you!

👍119 👎163

What does "643" mean?

Just a great surprise!
Your smile ❤️❤️❤️

You are so calm and nonchalant. While, I am just trying not to run to you and jump into your arms!!

643; what you do to me!!! ❤️ U !!!

👍167 👎239