Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 30th December?

National Fuck Your S/O day πŸ†.

boyfriend : hey baby , its December 30th.
Girlfriend : fuck me daddy πŸ˜©πŸ†.

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30th December - video


30th December - what is it?

the day where gifts are given, and if you have a birthday on this day, fuck you

lmao no presents for Kyler, his birthday is on December 30th

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What does "30th December" mean?

December-30th is also know as National Bitch Nigga day. On National Bitch Nigga day you can do whatever you want to anyone who's displaying bitchniggery

"Ron did you just fuck my ass?"

"Silence, for thou shall take punishment in the prostate promptly for displaying such bitchniggeryness on this fine December-30th "

"Oh, okay..."

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30th December - what does it mean?

on the 30th of December every year, Your Best Friend has to force you to do anything.

Him- you know what day it is
His best friend- what?
Him- Do my Laundry because it is December 30th

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30th December - meaning

The day some worldwide celebrity's were born.
People born on december 30th probably get many gifts. And they probably have a big chance to have amazing vocals!

Oh she's born in december 30th, she probably gets twice as much gifts than me!

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30th December - definition

National sex day, where you have to have sex with your best friend.

Hey john, its December 30th, national sex day we have to have sex

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30th December - slang

december 30th is officially going to be known as "international lottie day" in commemoration of it being the birth of one miss lottie.

person A: omg do you know what tomorrow is?
person B: december 30th??
person A: well yes, which is international lottie day!
person B: omg ur right? how could i forget? happy international lottie day, my friend!

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30th December

The day the beautiful BTS Kim Taehyung was born. This is the day when one of the most beautiful specimens came into this world and blessed us all with his amazing vocals, phenomenal visuals and extremely loud sneezing

Uneducated girl: OMG it’s December 30th, it’s New Year’s Eve tomorrow!
Educated girl: nah, mate, you’re missing what today is..
Uneducated confused girl: w-what do you mean??

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30th December

National maid outfit day

Put it on john it's December 30th

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30th December

you are the cutest lil bean must protect at all cost!! you have the prettiest smile and a huge HUGE heart goddamn your eyes hold the entire universe in them,, your CHEEKS fuck Everyone loves you and /wishes/ to be you but they can never be as amazing as you <3

him: my birthday is on 30th december hehe
me: fuck that sounds like the love of my life

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