Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 2-A-Days?

The amount of days every online retailer tells you to wait. It turns out one business day is about four regular days. Who would've thunk it?

Randy: "How come my order is still processing?"
Company: "Wait 1-2 business days."
*Shipped 8 days later*

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2-A-Days - meme gif

2-A-Days meme gif

2-A-Days - video


2-A-Days - what is it?

Celebrated on January 2, when the population of the world rejoices and celebrates the fact that there are only 2 genders. Man and Woman.

John: Who's ready for Jan. 2?! The national day for the ONLY 2 genders to exist!!!
Sam: I'm so Excited for National 2 Gender Day!!!!

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What does "2-A-Days" mean?

2 Man Day October 15th. Every Year we. celebrate β€œ2 man day”. Aka double date.

10/15 Hey its 2 man day today!!

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2-A-Days - what does it mean?

When it's so hot and sticky outside you need two boxes of corn starch to keep your package from sticking to your legs.

I knew it was going to be a hot one today but damn, it's a 2 box day out here!

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2-A-Days - meaning


Bob: hey whats the date
Jim: its 22/02/22

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2-A-Days - definition

β€œ2’s Day” is February 22nd of 2022 or (2/22/22), which will be on a tuesday therefore it being 2’s day (tuesday). Make sure to keep this on your calendar and remind your friends on this exact day that it is 2’s day!

Person 1 β€œHey bro have you heard 2’s day is coming up!” Person 2 β€œwhat? today is tuesday?” Person 1β€œno 2’s day!, the 22nd of february 2022 also known as (2/22/22)” Person 2 β€œoh! cool dude!”

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2-A-Days - slang

2's Day is February 22, 2022 in the American date format, which becomes 2/22/22 when written in short form. The best thing about it is that it falls on a Tuesday, earning it the name of 2's Day. Best to celebrate at 2:22 (or better, 22:22 using 24 hour time) if possible.

Alice: Hey Bob, what's the date?
Bob: It's 2/22/22
Alice: Holy shit, it's also a Tuesday!
Bob: *Checks time, says 2:22*
Both: I guess you could say it's "2's Day"...
Both: *Dies of cringe*

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The date Februrary 22nd, 2022. In American date format, that becomes 2/22/22, and it just so happens that this date lands on a Tuesday, with "2's Day" a pun on Tuesday, and it should be celebrated at 2:22, 2:22:22 if possible.

Man 1: "Hey, 2/22/22 will land on a Tuesday!
Man 2: "Holy fuckin' shit!!"
Man 1: "Let's party at exactly 2:22! It's gonna be lit af!"
Random Bystander: "Long live 2's Day!!"

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A term used within the wildland fire fighting community. Doing PTs twice a day instead of once. Often used to wash unwanted employees.

rat beard, make these bitches do 2-a-days for the rest of the year.

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2/22/2022, this day date has a bunch of 2's in it. Coincidentally, it is a Tuesday.

2's day is when the world will annihilate itself with the antimatter version of Earth and start the Universe again. Restarting on 2's day again, and again, and again, etc.

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