Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 12:23?

The day firestar gives hunter owner

national give ownership to hunter day 2021-12-23 the day firestar gives hunter owner

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12:23 - meme gif

12:23 meme gif

12:23 - video


12:23 - what is it?

This is another way of saying you are just kidding but in police means ur just kidding but hinting to someone else your really not to confuse the other person.

β€œHahahah jk-23-12.”
β€œBro i Just pulled a jk-23-12 on that dude and he actually thought I was kidding.”

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What does "12:23" mean?

happy birthday to the most loving beautiful human being out there. you really deserve the world. my silly little coon. you have the best personality and a great sense of humour. you never fail to put a smile on my face that’s for sure. i love talking to you so much, you make me feel so happy. i love our hugs. you hold onto me like i’m your little baby. you make me feel so safe. my home. you can sometimes be hard to talk to but i try my best. i really do. i hope the best for us. thank you so much for everything. were on our journey making new memories everyday. i wish we continue to do so and even if we can’t or don’t i’m forever grateful for the memories we did make. im glad i can say you are mine.thank you!
i love you so so much and i hope you have a blessed day you really deserve it.

23/12/21 babes bday:)

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12:23 - what does it mean?

the day when you wake up and THINK it's christmas eve than look at your calender and realize how fuckin wrong you were.

kid: mom. aren't we going to our friends house for christmas eve?

mom: yes

kid: then why aren't we getting ready?

mom: its the 12/23rd

kid: SHIT!

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12:23 - meaning

it's a time that when someone texts u it's a bootycall and there prolly a fuck boy

Eddie snapchated me at 12:23 what a fuck boy

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