Definder - what does the word mean?

What is 'Q's?

a O with a fancy tail


👍2963 👎537

'Q's - meme gif

'Q's meme gif

'Q's - video


'Q's - what is it?

Sad emoticon.

It is used when someone wants to tell that one is sad via messenger.
The *q*'s are the eyes with tears and the *-* is the mouth.

A: Hey, Mark!
B: q-q
A: Huh? What is it..?
B: I got my exam back... *sniff*
A: And?
B: ... It's an F!!! q-q

👍25 👎11

What does "'Q's" mean?

A badger with a troubled past and nothing else to lose. It means to be so pissed of at someone that you rip their intestines out of their ass and hang them with them while cutting there eyeballs out with a salt-covered butterknife.

Guy 1: Dude you suck.
Guy 2: Dude I hate you.
Narrarator: Oh no! A conflict!
Guy 1: I'll eat you.
Guy 2: Q(@_@Q) bitch.
Narrarator: Guy 2 proceeds to go to Guy 1's place of inhabitance and rip his intestines out of his ass and hang him with them while cutting out his eyebals with a salt-covered butterknife.

👍101 👎73

'Q's - what does it mean?

variant of "Q(-_-Q)" but with a black eye

Person1: You got fucked up Person2: ouch Q(#_-Q)

👍65 👎37

'Q's - meaning

Posessed boxing kirby.

He's gonna kick your ass.


👍167 👎103

'Q's - definition

A basic type drawn image variant of Kirby...this time he is posing as a boxer, throwing a punch. This simple...thing, is the answer to anything and everything, killing any hope of a comeback, and rendering those bastards on 4chan powerless

Detective: Where were you on the day of the murder?
You: Umm... Q==(^.^Q)
Detective: Shit, this investigation is closed until further notice!

You: Q==(^.^Q)
**No reply**

👍51 👎19

'Q's - slang

An smiley that is a picture of a korean boxer. The Q's represent his hands. -_- his face.

You: Man im going to fuck you up gosu starcraft player SlayerS_'BoxeR'

SlayerS_'BoxeR': -.-
SlayerS_'BoxeR': Q(-_-Q)

👍231 👎101


Kirby has been called to arms.

Q("Q) wut u say boi?

👍187 👎77


Boxing Kirby, best kirby of all time



👍99 👎29


Kirby with boxing gloves

Guy 1: Q('.'Q)
Guy 2: stfu fag.

👍71 👎21