Definder - what does the word mean?

What is zone 7?

Medium zone in the higher spectrum of woman threats. Usually a very attractive woman with great sarcasm. She will not hesitate to break hearts like Ted Bundy takes life.

That girl Marie is fine, but my mother warned me about her. Instead of asking me out she made fun of my balding head. She’s at danger zone 7 in my book.

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zone 7 - video


Zone 7 - what is it?

the non-existing yet existing branch of Zone 6, the east side of atlanta. Also a haven for rap artists like Da Ponz, B-Self, JB$ and D-Boze. Men from this part of town are a very tight knit crew infatuated with the idea of FAM

"Man that dude from Zone 7."
"Awe I was wonderin why his rap game was so on point, swag."

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